Tub Resurfacing Only $400 today!
Avoid bathroom accidents with easier shower access. Eliminate the need to step over your bathtub in less than a day!
A Safe Way Step converts your bathtub to a shower by eliminating the need to step over the bathtub. This allows a person to safely enter and exit when showering. Our experienced professions work courteously and conveniently so that you can step-into your new tub/shower the very next day.
We guarantee your tub for 5 years or we’ll come out and resurface it again.
Learn More about Safe Way Step!
A bathroom fall could and does cause serious injuries every year. A “Safe Way Step” is not for everyone. But if you are a person that is having difficulty getting into and out of the tub and you feel unsafe, then the “Safe Way Step” could work for you.
I remember when my grandmother started having trouble getting into and out of the tub. When she told me about her concern of falling and the high step getting in; it occurred to me that it was time to use my talents to help her. Like my grandmother, a “Safe way Step can help people get into and out of the tub safely. It effectively converts the tub into a shower. When injuries occurs in the bathroom they happen suddenly and can be quite severe. In fact, over 250,000 people each year suffer from immobility as a result from bathroom falls i. Don’t let it happen to you.
Traditionally the only answer was to rip out the bathtub and install a separate shower at significant expense, bother and mess. If this is a direction you are leaning toward, then you might be better suited for our bathroom remodeling service. Check out our recent projects link to see what we were able to do for other homeowners.
At The Art of Resurfacing we make sure we’ll measure your bathtub opening and cut out the required area. Then we’ll install your new Safe Way Step securely in place. If you would also like us to install grab bars or even refinish the tub with a textuized matting, we can normally do these services at the same time at an additional charge.
Here’s Why a Safeway Step conversion makes life more enjoyable
- Reduces the possibility of falls
- Saves thousands of dollars over the typical cost of a full bathtub replacement
- Works with existing fiberglass, steel or cast iron bathtub
- Professional installation by our trained installers
- No days or weeks of disruption to your bathroom
The Safe Step Process