Tile Refinishing

Tile refinishing is a great way to give your bathroom a fresh new look.  Get rid of your grungy wall and resurface it with a new Acrylic Urethane coating. Utilizing the latest in filling technology we can repair cracks, holes, divot, and more. After the filling and repair, we will prep the surfacing before applying our top coat finish.  The entire process produces a moisture and mold-free barrier that will last for years to come.

Over the past 15 years we have been working with small homeowners who want to add value to their homes. Whenever we do a tub resurfacingTub Resurfacing is the process of striping, acid etching, priming, painting, and reglazing a old tub surface. It also includes repairing divots, scratches, or other unsightly marks on fiberglass tubs as well. project, we always get asked about tile refinishing. Tile refinishing will bring a beautiful balanced look to your newly tub resurfacing, essentially bringing your bathroom back to life by enriching the walls with a Acrylic Urethane glaze that will seal in the tile and grout. This effectively protects the walls from water, humidity, and most importantly mold.

We guarantee your tile for 1-5 year or we’ll come out and refinish it free.

Tile Refinishing and Home Value

What We Can Fix